Tuesday, July 3, 2012

this weekend alec and i went to his hometown, Elkford, BC, for his 10-year high school reunion. it was kind of overwhelming for me but everyone i met was super friendly and kind and generous. i'm not used to people remembering my name after just meeting me! i also got a sweet farmer's tan.

being in Elkford made me really homesick for Edmonton, which made me realize something. the people i met this weekend, like the people from my hometown, are a lot more open, but also a lot more raw. in the big city of Vancouver, people tend to hide their feelings, and no one talks about anything personal, which results in a lot of surface-level relationships. sure, that means that there is less pointless drama but it also means that life is somewhat less fulfilling. no offense intended, just thoughts...

meeting all of alec's old friends from high school also made me realize that there are a lot of people i used to know that i wish i kept in touch with. my closest friends are still near and dear to me, but i burnt a lot of bridges which is something that's bothering me now. but i'm making new friends, so maybe it balances out.

i shot these photos with my T2i with a Canon 1:4 17-40L, and i've been trying to learn some post-processing techniques so that's what you see going on here. in the first two i was playing around with curves for a vintagey look. in the first of the last two photos i just did a high pass and some desaturation (although he looks a little too dead for my liking), and in the second one i used this silly overexposed/dreamy look that i don't think i'll ever use but it's kind of neat.

more to come...

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